Welcome to RSSHub!

If you see this page, the RSSHub is successfully installed and working.

Everything is RSSible

Debug Info
Git Hash: 7a4cb041
Git Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2024 16:04:51 GMT
Cache Duration: 300s
Request Amount: 432
Request Frequency: 0.017 times/minute
Cache Hit Ratio: 1.39%
ETag Matched Ratio: 10.88%
Health: 93.75%
Uptime: 431.35 hour(s)
Hot Routes: 191 /api/radar/rules
65 /
30 /fortunechina/:category?
29 /bendibao/news/:city
29 /github/trending/:since/:language/:spoken_language?
27 /36kr/:category/:subCategory?/:keyword?
26 /infoq/recommend
25 /dbaplus
2 /robots.txt
Hot Paths: 191 /api/radar/rules
66 /
30 /fortunechina
29 /bendibao/news/zz
29 /github/trending/daily/any/zh
27 /36kr/newsflashes
26 /infoq/recommend
25 /dbaplus
3 /favicon.ico
2 /robots.txt
2 /sitemaps.xml
1 /pornhub/cn/pornstar/mark-rockwell/mr
1 /logo.png
Hot Error Routes: 20 /fortunechina/:category?
4 /github/trending/:since/:language/:spoken_language?
Hot Error Paths: 20 /fortunechina
4 /github/trending/daily/any/zh
2 /sitemaps.xml
1 /pornhub/cn/pornstar/mark-rockwell/mr

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